A Romantic Composition
2 channel video and document
Futoshi MIYAGI

日本 / 1981年生於沖繩,現於沖繩與東京生活與工作   Japan / 1981 born in Okinawa, Japan, now living and working in Tokyo.
沖繩出生居住並工作於東京的藝術家Futoshi MIYAGI,以實地訪談帶動檔案化虛構敘事的展演形式,假託幽微的男同志情慾生命樣態,勾勒沖繩歷史經驗的參照,以錄像與檔案文件為依托的創作計畫〈浪漫樂派〉,援引好萊塢製作的「秋月茶室」(1956),彰顯沖繩長期作為失去話語權的再現對象,所謂沖繩主體也在翻譯、轉譯與謬譯之間,遙映著著冷戰結構下,亞洲熱戰內遭派遣至越南戰場的美軍與沖繩當地人共享的無以名狀惆悵。呼應著獨白般的書信文件,MIYAGI藉巴哈著名的無伴奏小提琴「夏康舞曲」進入沖繩的史實為平行敘事坐標,靜謐無人的沖繩與美國西岸都會地景,烘托著數名以第一人稱發聲的存在主體,跨越復歸前後的時間軸線,隱晦的第一人稱作者透過感性逾越聲影關係的思考式影像。 A Romantic Composition is an art project in video and documents created by Futoshi MIYAGI, an Okinawa-born artist now based in Tokyo. It is a reference depicting the historical experience of Okinawa by means of the obscure effect and desire of male homosexual living state in a presentation with archived fictional narrative introduced by a field interview. MIYAGI employs the Hollywood film The Teahouse of the August Moon (1956) to manifest Okinawa as a represented object that has lost its power of discourse for a long time. Beneath his translation, retranslation, and mistranslation, the subject of Okinawa corresponds to the unspeakable melancholy shared by the locals in Okinawa and U.S. soldiers who were sent to the fierce battlefield in Vietnam during the Cold War. Following J. S. Bach’s well-known “Chaconne” for solo violin, MIYAGI’s video leads us to Okinawa and its historical parallel reference site, United States. In contrast to silent landscapes of Okinawa and cities in the western coast of U.S. without anyone, various subjects in being speak in the first-person perspective, responding to the monologue-like letters and documents. The sensibility revealed by the implicit speakers goes beyond thoughtful images in the relationship between sound and pictures, crossing back and forth the time of Okinawa reversion.
  This Work Belongs to: Taguchi Art Collection