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鳳甲美術館 Hong-Gah Museum
開放時間 Open Hours 10:30-17:30(週一休館 Closed on Monday)
11F., No. 166, Daye Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11268, Taiwan
TEL 886-2-28942272︱www.hong-gah.org.tw
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馬丁.羅倫佐.德.梅薩 |
菲律賓 |
Martin Lorenzo P. de Mesa |
The Philippines |
2011, single-channel video, 8'53" |
馬丁.羅倫佐.德.梅薩畢業於菲律賓大學美術系,但他對包括日本「舞踏(暗黑舞踏)」在內的表演方式極感興趣,自大學時代起就開始創作表演錄像,近年並嘗試發展結合角色扮演和薩滿儀式的表演創作。《對抗》一作起因於藝術家的一位兄弟,因為長年目睹來自超自然力量的靈體而飽受煎熬;最後他的兄弟被精神科醫生斷定為精神分裂症,並接受藥物治療。來自家人的親身經驗刺激了馬丁.羅倫佐.德.梅薩,從一開始被恐懼感所包圍到後來試圖以精神醫學及傳統宗教來理解他的兄弟,藝術家決定使用他所擅長的舞踏表演,來詮釋他兄弟所經歷的「對抗」世界,以及其中的焦慮和斷裂。 |
Martin Lorenzo P. de Mesa, with a bachelor degree from College of Fine Arts, University of the Philippines, holds great interests in performances such as Japanese Butoh. He started to produce videos of performance back in college, and in recent years tries to create performances combining role-play and Shaman rituals. The inspiration of "Versus" comes from the artist's brother, who has suffered from seeing spirits of supernatural power for years and was eventually diagnosed as Schizophrenic and under medication. Upset by the personal experience of his family, Martin Lorenzo P. de Mesa was in fear, and then tries to understand his brother via psychiatry and traditional religions. Ultimately the artist decides to make good use of Butoh performance he loves to interpret the "Versus" world his brother lives in as well as the anxiety and the disruption within. |