Operation Castle
found footage single-channel video
Filip Gabriel PUDŁO

波蘭 / 1976年生於波蘭雷基,現於波蘭華沙生活及工作   Poland / 1976 born in Ryki, Poland, now living and working in Warsaw, Poland
「城堡行動」既是1954年美國在太平洋進行的一系列核爆實驗,也是同年由隸屬於美國原子能委員會(Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC)管轄的「美國軍用特種武器計畫」(Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, AFSW)進行之影像紀錄,波蘭影像藝術家菲利普‧加百列‧普魯度歐將原先以類比訊號保存於國家電視標準委員會盒式錄像帶格式存在的影像資訊,轉化為數位編碼的影像格式,並透過錄像數據信息探勘的影像分析技術,機械式地訊號分析各類色溫、焦距與亮度等影像的量化物質性狀態,藝術家將〈城堡行動〉這件影像作品視為原版影像紀錄之「語言學式摘要」。電子聲的影像自我闡述,毫無抑揚頓挫的機械語調與空洞的內容,對照著影像訊息所再現的大規模毀滅性,普魯度歐以影像本質批判影像機器無意識之動態暴力。 Operation Castle refers to the series of nuclear weapons tests conducted in the Pacific Rim by the United States in 1954 and the documentary project initiated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Armed Forces Special Weapons Project in the same year regarding the tests. Filip Gabriel PUDŁO, a Polish video artist, first renders the analog data of the visual information stored in NTSC VHS tapes to digital-coded format. Then he applies the framework for linguistic summaries using video-mining algorithms. Mechanically, image analysis based on machine algorithms was simulated on a technical level, including quantitative depictions such as color temperature, focus, luminance, and so on. PUDŁO describes Operation Castle as “linguistic summaries for ‘Operation Castle (1954)’. Without intonation and narrative content, the computer-generated voices contour a hermeneutic report of the material aspect of the moving image itself. The emptiness of the narration juxtaposes with the visual semiotics of the film, representing the scenes of nuclear weapons tests that are saturated with atrocious violence and heinous destruction. PUDŁO’s ontological scrutiny of the mechanical image makes the apparatus condemn its own unconsciousness of violence done in forms of movement.