鳳甲美術館 Hong-Gah Museum
開放時間 Open Hours 10:30-17:30(週一休館 Closed on Monday)
11F., No. 166, Daye Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11268, Taiwan
TEL 886-2-28942272︱www.hong-gah.org.tw



財團法人邱再興文教基金會於1991年在馬水龍教授建議下成立。初期以「春秋樂集」每年兩季為台灣音樂創作者提供發表的舞台。經過多年深耕努力終獲社會各界肯定,於1998年獲頒文建會第一屆文馨獎特別獎殊榮。深受鼓舞之際,董事長邱再興先生也期望在音樂之外嘗試推廣音樂與視覺藝術的結合,以紮根社區為使命,並以紀念邱父鳳甲之名,積極催生鳳甲美術館的創立。 鳳甲美術館經過多方努力終於在1999年10月25日正式對外開放。我們希望藉由美術館的成立,以展示、座談、導讀等方式,為社區學生、社團及民眾提供溫馨優雅的藝術欣賞環境,播撒藝術的種子。鳳甲美術館是社區居民心靈的家,也是深耕推廣藝文活動的起點,希望關懷社區的人士,能在美術館獨特的環境與設備中推動社區文化發展,提昇精神生活的泉源,以展現社區人情溫潤的文化風貌。鳳甲美術館於2003年10月25日正式掛牌成為文建會地方文化館的一員,並繼1998年獲第一屆文馨獎特別獎後,再度因鳳甲美術館為社區藝文推廣所投注的心力,獲得文建會2006年第八屆文馨獎的肯定,榮獲「評審團獎」特別獎的殊榮,而這個肯定,也為鳳甲美術館邁向另一個高峰打下深厚的根基。

Chew's Culture Foundation
Hong-Gah Museum

Upon the proposal of Prof. Ma Shui-long, Chew's Culture Foundation was founded in 1991. In its initial establishment, it served as a venue for the presentation of original Taiwanese music by the holding of two events annually, the "Euterpe: Spring & Autumn". Many years of careful cultivation and hard work earned praises from every sector in the society, and in 1998, it won the Special Honor of the first Council Sponsors Award from the Council for Cultural Affairs. Deeply encouraged by these achievements, Chairman Andrew Chew also placed great expectations in promoting the integration of music and visual arts, making it his mission for his work to take root in the community in honor of his late father, Hong-gah. Thus, the Hong-gah Museum was established.

After much effort, the Hong-Gah Museum was formally opened to the public on October 25, 1999. We hoped that by establishing this museum, presenting exhibitions and holding seminars and reading workshops, that we could provide a warm and elegant environment where students, organization and the general public could appreciate art and in this way sow the seeds of art in the community. The Hong-Gah Museum is a spiritual home for the community, and a starting point for programming promoting the arts. We hope our unique museum environment and facilities can be used to care for the community, promote spiritual life and advance cultural development. The Museum officially became a Local Community Museum of the Council for Cultural Affairs on October 25, 2003, and after Chew's Cultural Foundation received the first Wenxin Award in 1998, the Museum won the Grand Prize at the eighth Wenxin Awards in 2006 for its efforts in promoting culture in the community. This special honor and affirmation has helped the Museum to build a new foundation for reaching a new summit.