鳳甲美術館 Hong-Gah Museum
開放時間 Open Hours 10:30-17:30(週一休館 Closed on Monday)
11F., No. 166, Daye Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11268, Taiwan
TEL 886-2-28942272︱www.hong-gah.org.tw





Someone is Going to Forest
2013, short film, 29'13"

本展最年輕的參展者,越南導演張明貴出生於越南中部高原邦美蜀市(Buôn Ma Thuot),並在胡志明市電影戲劇大學攻讀導演專業兩年後決定輟學,他的電影作品包括:《The Blue Room》(2010)、《An Ordinary Sunday》(2011)、《A Raw Video》(2012)等…。本次邀請展出的作品為張明貴的《有人要進去叢林了》,該作品結合了超現實敘事、謀殺和泛靈的敘事角度,因入圍南韓釜山短片影展的競賽項目而在越南受到重視。《有人要進去叢林了》全片於張明貴的故鄉拍攝,片中結合了樹靈自述、父子關係和謀殺案,可以說是將地方傳說、越寮邊境的情勢、以及個人情感經驗揉合之後的創作。張明貴目前亦是胡志明市獨立藝術空間Zero Station的共同藝術總監。 Vietnamese director TRUONG Minh Quý, the youngest participating artist, was born in Buôn Ma Thuot in Central Highland, Vietnam. He decided to drop out after studying at Cinema and Theatre University, Ho Chi Minh City for 2 years. The invited work from TRUONG Minh Quý is "Someone is Going to Forest". The work, combined the elements of surreal narrative, murder as well as animism, is well-received in Vietnam after entering the 2013 Busan International Film Festival. "Someone is Going to Forest" is set in Quý's hometown. The combination of the narrative of a tree spirit, the relationship between father and son, and a murder case in the film could be seen as a fusion of folklore, the situation over the Vietnam-Laos border as well as the director's personal, emotional experiences. TRUONG Minh Quý is currently the co-artistic director of Zero Station, an independent art space in Ho Chi Minh City.