Jia-Jen LIN

Jia-Jen Lin, b.1980, Taiwan/The US

Jia-Jen Lin produces works encompassing photography, video, sound, installation, and performance art. Her works focus on the body experience and mental state of humans in different time and spaces, translating such into other perception modes of experiences. The topics she explores include cultural identities and struggles, correlations between physicality and psychology, and the resemblance and tension between industrial products and art works.

This installation integrates video, sound, and sculpture, derived from Lin’s field research during The Arctic Circle expedition around the Svalbard archipelago, Norway, in 2022, where she filmed and recorded the landscape and sound of ice calving. The generative visual of an imaginary collapsing landscape interlaces with its fragile landscape and ecology in the High Arctic region. The extension and collision of the digital landscape reflect how human beings are mediated and forced to continuously adapt to the changing environment. The objects in the gallery represent traces of human activities and ruins observed locally. By guiding the audience’s view and body with different perceivable mediums, this installation creates a site of layered fragments in our histories, the inconstancy of phenomena, disasters, memories of loss, trauma, and reconstruction. (S.H)

  • Collapsing Landscape: No One Surface the Same as Any Other

    2023, three-channel video installation, 22'35"
